Sunday, August 06, 2006

Scribe Jamboree

A few days ago, a new feature of the Daily Scribe was launched. It is called the Scribe Jamboree and its purpose is to highlight some great posts by some of the other Scribes. Even though I am two days late, I would like to point out some of the posts that I have enjoyed over the last week.

Clyde Grubbs of A People So Bold! asks whether the UU carnival is a vegetarian plot because of the meaning behind the word "carnival."

Making Chutney talks about ministry and what it means to be a minister - and concludes it's not only about formal training. Clyde Grubbs and Scott Wells of Boy in the Bands put their two cents in on the subject. Okay, make that 25 cents when you include the comments.

And Green Clouds, the Daily Scribe's second Buddhist blog, joins the roster.


Penguin said...

I haven't been by the Scribe in a while. I will go tonight.

Wish I had enough in me to provide intelligent insight on Pagan/Wiccan beliefs. I'm in envy of you and others who can do so.

S. Nichole said...

Sometimes I know how you feel. :)