About Me
It’s about time! After a year and half of blogging, I have finally put an “About Me” page together.
AKA: Sojourner
Age: 30 something
Current Occupation: Social Work
Education: AA General; AA in Photography; BAS in Psychology
Future Plans: PhD in Psychology or History
My interests include photography, art, music, cooking, extreme bookworm-ish tendencies, disability rights, volunteerism, world religions, philosophy, psychology, the brain and how it works, and jewelry making.
I recently graduated with a BAS in Psychology and have decided to take a couple of years to decide which direction I will go in regards to continuing my education. I am looking into programs in cognitive neuroscience, psychology of religion, and history of religion in the U.S. as possibilities for graduate school.
Why A Blog About Paganism?
What’s With Your Name?
I go by “Sojourner” on my blog. However, some people erroneously list me as “Knowledge Sojourner” because of my email address. Maybe telling the story behind the email address will clear up some confusion.
What’s With The Blog Name?
Main Entry: 1so·journ
Pronunciation: 'sO-"j&rn, sO-'
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English sojorn, from Anglo-French sujur, sujurn, from sujurner
: a temporary stay < sojourn in the country>
While many people use the term “sojourn” to mean “a journey” or “to seek,” it also implies a temporary stay. This blog was meant to be a year long study of Paganism, before moving on to something else. However, when I got to end of the year, I realized that I had more that I wanted to learn. I am currently thinking about changing the name of my blog to reflect my longer stay.
I Want You To Participate!
Please, if you have something to say, SAY IT! I want you to participate in the conversation, even if you have a different perspective. I like hearing different perspectives, as it is a great way to learn. All I ask is that you try to be respectful. I will try to do the same.
Feel free to comment even on older posts, as I do keep track of comments that are made on them.
Being able to read more about you has been the only thing that's been missing around here - and the information in your About page passes to the personality that comes out in your writing quite well :-)
very nice!!!! Thanks!
I just found your blog and thought I'd let you know that I'll definitely be back. :)
Also, there's another substantial druid organization that you may have an interest in looking at or linking to. Ar nDraiocht Fein - http://www.adf.org
Happy Spring.
Your blog is fascinating. Religion and psychology, what an interesting combination. I hope your autumn equinox was enjoyable.
Found your site when I was looking for a pic of a double rainbow on images on google. Read your introduction page and was hooked as many of your interests coincide with my own and for some unknown reason, tears came to my eyes and I started laughing... have bookmarked your page and will continue to enjoy reading about your progress in life. Myon45
Nice blog you have here!
I've been enjoying reading about your journey very much. I love nature and enjoy reading about the appreciation of others. My first experience that I would call God was in a clearing surrounded by very tall, old trees. It felt like a cathedral to me.
I thought you might also enjoy Beyond the Fields We Know. Cate is a devotee of the Old Wild Mother, Gaia. Her photographs and words about nature are lyrical and reverent and move me deeply. Her blog URL is
Wishing you much beauty on your path.
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