Saturday, October 29, 2005


Only two days left until the Pagan holiday of Samhain and Pagan bloggers are seeming to get anxious. And rightly so. The anticipation of an upcoming holiday can sometimes be as exciting as the actual day. Here are some recent posts about the upcoming holiday.

Over at The Naked Truth, NYPaganChick is getting excited and asks not to be hated because her holidays “are cooler.”

Andy, from The Kilted Liberal, is transforming his darling daughter into Daddy’s Little Ghoul.

At Becoming Brigdh Eden, Eden talks about how school districts are taking the celebration of Halloween out of the schools. Then she discusses why she doesn’t think that it is necessary to take any holiday celebration out of the schools. A few days later, she also finds this craziness happening in the usually sane country of Canada.

At Secrets of a Witch, a simple holiday ritual was posted, as well as an explanation of Samhain colors.

Thaleia has a humorous post about trick or treating by your sign.

Pacific Druid gives his take on the upcoming holiday from a Druid perspective.

Anne, at The Gods are Bored, is posting a special “Witches for Dummies” week leading up to the holiday by taking apart myths attributed to Witches and the holiday.

Jason, at the Wildhunt Blog, has a wonderful post about how certain Christians want to start their own holiday and call it "Lite-Nite."

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Thanks for the shout-out. I'm hoping to do a follow-up on Samhain/Halloween about what we actually experience out-and-about in our area.