Thursday, September 22, 2005

A Comparison of Wicca and Christianity

I found this comparison chart at Although it is very simplified, I think it is a good starting point for comparing the two religions. Spend a few minutes looking the site as it is well put-together.

Some of the religions represented on the site are Wicca, Christianity, Baha'i, Judaism, and sikhism. I do think that the section on Wicca needs to be expanded a little as it seems a little sparse. What do you think?

1 comment:

S. Nichole said...

I guess I was talking about the other pages about Wicca, not necessarily the comparison chart. There just isn't much there as the author most likely is not Wiccan/Pagan and doesn't know much but the basics.

What I would like to see is people getting more information than the basics.