Friday, February 02, 2007

Celebrating The Day

As Pagans celebrate the day, their writing about the holiday takes over their bogs. Here are a few posts from around the blogosphere.

Jason, from Wild Hunt, tells us a little about Brigid and gives us a collection of quotes about the day.

In honor of the day, Deborah Lipp posts a poem for Brigid.

Sarah Sutterfield Winn also posts several poems for the day.

Anne over at The Gods Are Bored has me laughing as usual when she mentions playing a game of Monopoly with Brighid.

While not specifically about the day, Colorado Celt reminisces about how he would like to see "[his] experience of Celtic paganism to be a little more earthy."

On Deaf Pagan Crossroads, Ocean wishes everyone new beginnings and posts a song from a Imbolc ritual from a few years ago.

Elle at Domesticated Bloggage mentions a few things that you can do to celebrate the day.

Angela-Eloise over at Blogickal has given her site a new look and goes into some of the history of the day.

I wish you all a wonderful day!


Just Me said...

Brightest Blessings for this time of new beginnings to you too :)

S. Nichole said...
