Thursday, November 30, 2006

New Orleans - Here I Come!

I've been approved! What are you approved for? you may ask. Well, I just got my approval notice saying that I get to help build a house for Habitat for Humanity in the New Orleans area in January.*

I have wanted to help in some way ever since Katrina hit the gulf area, but I didn't want to just send money and pretend that I had helped. I was worried that the money would not get to the people that needed it. Besides, I wanted to get my hands dirty; I wanted to experience what it is like in person; I wanted to make sure that my efforts were actually being put to their proper use. Now that dream is finally coming true.

Since I will be graduating in December, I have a little time between school and getting that dreaded "first real job." I will soon be moving on to new responsiblities and a new stage in my life. I feel that this will be a great way to mark the rite of passage between my new responsibilities and finishing school.

* Because they get so many offers of help, you have to sign up and wait to see if your help is needed and when there is an opening. Then, Habitat matches you up with a building site that needs the help. If you want to help as well, go to "how to get involved" to get more information.


Mike said...

That's awesome Sojourner! Congrats!

Unknown said...

Ohhhh....congratulations!!! I hope there will be pictures! :D2l4

S. Nichole said...

I can't wait to go!

I will be taking pictures, so I will try to post some of them here.

Bernulf said...

Congratulations - I hope you find the experience fulfilling :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Being able to participate in service to others is an amazing experiance. Enjoy and thanks for the comment.

Sonja Nelson said...

that's awesome! congrats Sojourner!

S. Nichole said...

Thanks for the comments, everyone! I will have to try to post pictures of the area when I get back.

Anonymous said...

congratulations and what an honor to be able to help build a home for those in need...

good luck with that...I'm sure it will prove to be an immensely satisfying and life-changing experience..;-)