Monday, October 03, 2005

Unitarian Universalist Principles

"Unitarian Universalism is a liberal religious tradition which encourages people to keep thier minds open, believing that personal experience, conscience, and reason should be the final authorities in religion." - from the UU website

Although not Pagan, Unitarian Universalism invites everyone to take part within their church. They want everyone to feel welcome. A friend of mine goes to a local UU church and has mentioned one of the reasons he got involved with the church was because the many different religions that were represented within the church. He said that they have all denominations of Christianity to Buddhism to Pagan represented. I have been to the church that my friend goes to and have never felt more welcome in my life.

While reading Lo-Fi Tribe, I found the Principles of UUA and wanted to share them with you all as I thought they shared a similarity with how most Pagans look at the world.

1) The inherent worth and dignity of every person
2) Justice, equity and compassion in human relations
3) Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations
4) A free and responsible search for truth and meaning
5) The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large
6) The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all
7) Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.


S. Nichole said...

Thanks for the encouragement.

I hope you stop by and leave your input often. I love to hear what other people think regarding issues of religious thought. The way we learn and grow is by sharing and discussing ideas.

Sonja Nelson said...

I think these principles are very hopeful and eloquent and yes; they are how most pagans look at the world. :)

Sonja Nelson said...

I especially like principles 1 and 4.

S. Nichole said...

I also like 1 and 4. I also have to add 3. I think acceptance is very important to spiritual growth.